T-shirt saying: "I was popular once but my therapist took all my _________ friends away" (pretend) --BS FB poster, 12/05/21
Trump double-negative statement of 12/04/21, a Freudian slip (?): "Anybody that doesn't think there wasn't massive Election Fraud in the 2020 President Election is either very stupid, or very _______!" (tainted) --twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1467310639991382020?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1467310639991382020%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.joemygod.com%2F2021%2F12%2Ftrump-accidentally-tells-truth-about-2020-election%2F
Sides with the 3 liberal justices in expressing concern over TX abortion law. (SCOTUS justice, last name) --nbcnews.com, 12/10/21
"Devin Nunes [R-CA who once sued a fictional cow] is MOOVING on to a Trump social media network that is already under ___ investigation." (federal government regulatory agency, initials) --GS tweet. --queerty.com/devin-nunes-tried-sue-fictional-cow-laughingstock-twitter-20211207
The 30 or so ____ _______ in the Salt Lake County of Utah drink up around 9M gallons of water a day--that's more than 13 Olympic-sized swimming pools. (2 words) --cnn.com/2021/12/08
Radio frequency around 27 MHz assigned for general public use not requiring licensure (initials) --Wikipedia
It's not what's under the Christmas tree that matters. It's ____ around it. (contraction)
--"Snoopy" poster, FB 12/04/21
Bordered by only NH in the US (state) --google.com/maps
"______ is how democracies die. I’ve seen it." (passivity) --Laura Thornton, international elections observer, WaPo.
"Not" partner --lexico.com
Rotary Club or Roman
Catholic (initials) --abbreviations.com
Faux comment, Fauci to Rand Paul: "You're an ophthalmologist, and I don't need ___ ________ to see you're an asshole." (lenses, 2 words) --MR post, joemygod.com, 12/11/21
After scrapping its dictatorship-formed constitution in 2019, joins other SA entities BR, CO, EC, UZ, GF, FK and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands legalizing same-sex marriage. (nation, code CL) --NYT, 12/07/21; countrycode.org/; Wikipedia; iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:code:3166:GF
Provides the President with the capability to address the American people within 10 minutes during a national emergency. (initials) --fema.gov
Ending to a news piece: "Earth needs a good ______." (attorney) --NPR, 12/08/21
Moira Rose impersonator, on cooking for Thanksgiving, "David, what's does _______ smell like?" (smoldering) --instagram.com/p/CWwGlDejNtZ/
"In 2022 ______ marks 50 years of being able to love whoever we want." (nation) --youtube.com/watch?v=nDLumk_rQQw
Both sight and sound (2 words, initials) --lexico.com
Bordered by MN and 2 Great Lakes (state) --google.com/maps
______ _________ served at a higher percentage than any other ethnic group comprising the American army in WWII. More than a third of their able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 50 joined the service—25,000 soldiers, all tolled. (2 words) --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com, 12/07/21
Represented by Collins and King in the Senate (state, abbrev.) --senate.gov
T-shirt saying: "Pretty Good At Making ___ Decisions" (poor) --"Homestead Rescue," 12/05/21
Fruit of the oak --lexico.com
A diagram or graph that branches --merriam-webster.com
Engage in petty or small-scale swindling --lexico.com
Old form of "you" or "the" --collinsdictionary.com
Going forward, Democrats need to win every single election from here on to prevent the destruction of democracy, while ___________ only need to win one to destroy it. (members of a political party) --David Atkins, "Washington Monthly". -- heathercoxrichardson.substack.com, 12/05/21
Years "After Christ" (Lat., initials)
The ability to speak or act without offending --yourdictionary.com
Primate native to Madagascar --Wikipedia
__________ counties produce more than 70% of the nation’s gross domestic product. (political party, adj.) --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com, 12/05/21
Government ethics officer (initials)
Symbol, logo (abbrev.) --merriam-webster.com
Civil Aviation Authority (initials) --abbreviations.com
"Kim Jong-Un Eagerly Waiting For Inner Circle To Get Big Enough So He Can Start _________ People Again" (killing) --"The Onion" headline, 12/08/21
Breakfast drink (initials)
"I think the Presidency is a bridge too far for ________." (last name) --AxelDC tweet, queerty.com, 12/08/21
Stock market measure, for short