NPR jingle: "You've got it __ ___. To try something new. Like the first day of school." (2 words)
Marked hiking path extending between Springer Mountain in Georgia and Mount Katahdin in Maine (initials) --Wikipedia
New homes in _______ will have to have electric car-charging stations beginning 2022. (nation, for short) --"The Hill," 11/22/21
Productive powerhouse (initials)
Mug inscription: "My Birthstone Is A _______ ____" (2 words)
First-person comparable to "you matter" (2 words)
__ _______ were born when Swanson Foods had 260 extra tons of frozen turkeys on hand after 1953 Thanksgiving. (2 words)
Record, register
Sitcom (2010-2016) that was trailblazing for showcasing premarital sex, a white/black police-officer partnership, a weed user, kinky sex practices, a poor-African-country refugee's history. (title) --Wikipedia
"By the end of this winter pretty much everyone in _______ . . . will have been vaccinated, recovered or died." --its Health Minister. (country) --AP, 11/22/21
Bordered by NY and RI
Model turned one-time First Lady (first name)
Edgy, tense, fidgety
Australian Regular Army (initials)
Northernmost state (abbrev.)
Mom to 5-year-old: "Honey, put your mask on. We don't want people to think we're ____________." (members of a political party), 11/19/21
In short supply notoriously at the start of the covid epidemic (initials)
Electricity type (initials)
Sum, mass (abbrev.)
Surrounded by MD and TN
Will be supporting incumbent Republican governors rather than Trump-backed challengers (last name), 11/22/21
Ronald Reagan National Airport code
Org where countries contribute funds to a pool through a quota system from which countries experiencing balance of payments problems can borrow money. As of 2016, it had c. $667B. --Wikipedia
"I would like to _________ to anyone I have not yet offended. Please be patient. I will get to you shortly." (say I'm sorry) --BS FB poster, 11/23/21
Reasons against
Bordered by Lake Michigan and KY (state)
Keeps Earth's atmosphere from drifting into space,it%20from%20drifting%20into%20space.
President between LBJ and GF
With "to", come to terms with
Vacation accruement, often
Backsliding democracies: US, Brazil, India, Hungary, Slovenia, ______. --International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (nation) --WaPo, 11/22/21
4-7 p.m., many places (2 words)
Boutique hotel serving the morning meal (for short)
Phone purchased with the intention of being used for only a short time******-phone/#:~:text=A%20******%20phone%2C%20also%20sometimes,without%20worrying%20about%20ongoing%20contracts.
"A lie doesn't become _____ . . . just because it's accepted by a majority." (fact) --Booker T. Washington, FB poster, 11/17/21
Symbol, idol
Winter time in NYC (initials)