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Key Concepts of Psychoanalysis

Teacher: Jeanne Peluffo
The individual denies a threatening feeling and proclaims he or she feels the opposite.
Multiple factors such as ambivalence about changing, a fear of losing one's sense of self, and a reaction to a problematic intervention by the therapist.
The individual talks about something threatening while keeping a distance from the feelings associated with it.
(A) Our experiences and actions are influenced by psychological process that are not part of our conscious awareness, and (b) this process is kept out of awareness in order to avoid psychological pain.
Tends to be conceptualized as the totality of the therapist's experience while with the client and as an important source of information.
Process that functions to avoid emotional pain by in one way or another pushing thoughts, wishes, feelings, or fantasies out of awareness.
The client's tendency to view the therapist in terms of that are shaped by his or her experiences with important caregivers in his or her developmental process.
Unacceptable wishes are kept out.
A partial or complete disruption of the normal integration of a person's conscious or psychological functioning resulting from anxiety or trauma.
A person attributes a threatening feeling or motivate he or she is experiencing to the other person.
Takes place when client and therapist unwittingly get caught up