(N) The strength needed to keep going or overcome physical or mental strain; staying power
(Adj) Profitable; bringing in money or some special advantage
(Adj) Peaceful, calm; free of emotional upset; clear and free of storm; majestic, grand
(V) To wrinkle, make uneven; to annoy, upset; to flip through; (N) material used for trimming edges; a ripple; a low drumbeat
(N) An intolerant, prejudiced, or biased person
(N) A person who attacks violent (with blows or words)
(V) To press together; to reduce in size or volume; (N) a folded cloth or pad applied to an injury
(N) Fear, doubt, or uncertainty
(N) A large wave; (V) to rise or swell like a wave
(Adj) Fair-minded, free from selfish motives, indifferent
(N) A person that pretends to be what or whom they're not; A two-faced person
(V) To dry up, wilt, sag; to cause someone to feel ashamed, humiliated, or very small
(Adj) Suffering severely from from hunger or lack of something
(V) To plunge into a liquid, drench; to put out quickly, extinguish
(V) To satisfy, relieve, or bring to an end