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Paleolithic/Neolithic Review

This allowed people in the Neolithic Era to breed animals for particular traits and characteristics
The people who lived in this time period were hunter-gatherers and they led a Nomadic lifestyle
Refers to "Common Era"
Unlike the Paleolithic age, Neolithic people began to create more permanent living structures such as these
The paleolithic era used these to create more advanced weapons for hunting
These are analyzed as evidence for how people lived in the Paleolithic Era
a human living a lifestyle in which most or all food is obtained by foraging and hunting
This term refers to the act of changing a wild pant or animal so it can be raised by humans, &this occured during the Neolithic revolution and it allowed for more intensive farming to be possible as well as the importance of milk and meat
Used to describe time, refers to "Before Common Era"
Also called the Agricultural Revolution, marked the transition in human history from small, nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers to larger, agricultural settlements and early civilization
The deliberate cultivation of vegetation; another term for farming
These were artworks left behind that give us clues about the way People lived in the Paleolithic Era
Neolithic people began to pay attention to these because of the role they played in the growth of their crops
This means the "New Stone Age" and occurred after the Paleolithic Era
Along with the creation of new permanent civilizations and individuals having more jobs during the Neolithic Era, tthes allowed new resources to be shared with one another.
This term refers to roaming about from place to place