Solomon started out very faithful to God but having too many of these caused him to become unfaithful (L29)
Solomon is known for this: he asked God to give this to him (L29)
What famous Philistine warrior was defeated by David? (L27)
The author of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon (L29)
A spokesman for God (L30)
The wicked wife of King Ahab, who brought Ba'al worship to Israel. (L27)
In marriage, David practiced this, the name for many wives (L28)
From what son of Noah were the Assyrians descended? (L27)
The father of David's best friend, also David's enemy who tried to kill him (L28)
The most important predictions the prophets made were about the upcoming what? (L30)
Saul and his sons were killed in battle against whom? (L28)
Who was David's great grandmother? (L28)
What was the name of a Philistine god that later became a term for Satan? (L27)
What was the name of the Phoenician port known for its trade in papyrus? (L27)
Rehoboam heeded the advice of his young counselors, who were his _____ (L26)
The statues of what animals stood beside Solomon's throne? (L29)
What foreign queen was amazed at Solomon's wealth and wisdom? (L29)
Who was David's closest friend? (L28)
Which prophet was a shepherd and fig grower? (L30)
What nation conquered Israel in 722 BC, taking many people into exile, some never to return? (L30)