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Early Ojibwe

Teacher: Mrs. Biever
They used nets to catch this important food resource.
Used as a transportation vehicle during the rice harvest.
What food item did the Ojibwe find at the final stop on their migration journey?
The process of moving from one region or country to another.
This word is the mispronounced version of the Ojibwe by the government. (page 52)
The purposeful retelling of stories to teach about one's culture is ______ history.
A sweet substance made by boiling sap from a maple tree.
A competition to see who could slide a smooth wooden pole the longest distance across the snow was called ___________.
The most important crop grown in the summer.
The man who wrote the first book on the history and culture of the Ojibwe people was William ___________.
Self-ruling and independent.
What was the leather ball for lacrosse stuffed with?
A popular team sport played on a large open field.
An agreement made between two or more nations to cooperate for specific reasons.
The English word for wiigwaas.
Worn during the jigging step in making wild rice.
The number of stops made by the Ojibwe during their migration from the East.
The knowledge and skills individuals have that enhance their ability to earn income is called human __________.
What season did the families arrive at the sugar camp.
A round dwelling covered with sheets of birchbark or woven mats.