Home to Bend, Burns, Bandon and Brookings (state, abbrev.) --gopopgle.com/maps
"I love little baby ducks
Old pickup trucks
Slow movin' trains
And _____ . . . ." (precipitation) --"I Love," hit song by Tom T Hall, dead at 85 --NPR, 08/21/21
"Landing Ship, Tank" is the naval designation for ships first developed during World War II (1939–1945) to support amphibious operations by carrying tanks, vehicles, cargo, and landing troops directly onto shore with no docks or piers. (abbrev.) --Wikipedia
Such as to provoke laughter --lexico.com
Colorful, iconic, unique names of ___ reporters, highlighting its diversity: Nora Raum, A. Martinez, Sylvia Poggioli, Korva Coleman, Corey Flintoff, Audie Cornish, Lulu Garcia-Navarro, Renee Montagne (media org) --pinterest.com
French author of influential 7-volume-novel "In Search of Lost Time" (published 1913-1927) (last name, rhymes with 79 ACROSS)
Article before a single noun starting with a vowel
Surrounded by Vietnam and Thailand --google.com/maps
Rupert Murdoch's"New York Post" and "___ ____" quietly require their employees to follow the very same health protocols (e.g., mandatory masks) that they lampoon in print and on air. (cable news show) --"CNN Business," 08/22/21
Rural parts of got 17" of rain in 1 day from Tropical Depression Fred. (state, abbrev.) --nytimes.com/2021/08/22/us
About 1/3 of _______, California's top agricultural export, are planted in areas with unreliable water supplies. (product) --palmspringsdesertsun-ca.newsmemory.com, 08/22/21
Greek letter after "pi" --Wikipedia
Donkey, burro --merriam-webster.com
The appearance of being true or real --lexico.com
Bordered by OK and MO --google.cvom/maps
Bordered by MD and NC --google.com/maps
World-class tennis player, equal rights activist, married 2x--once to a man, once to a woman--author of autobiography "All In" (3 words) --NPR, 08/17/21
Landmark abortion case, for short
Warlike nomadic Asian who ravaged Europe in the 4th–5th centuries --lexico.com
Italian town renowned for its olive oil and mozzarella --Wikipedia
With Lake Mead 35% full and ____ ______ at 32%, the Government triggers mandatory water consumption cuts for southwest states. (behind Glen Canyon dam, 2 words) --CNN, 08/16/21
Cabinet in the Government tasked with health support for ex-military (initials)
Snares, kills (verb); sacks (noun) --lexico.com
One billionth of (prefix) --****science.ch/en/about-us
Small gull-like seabird --lexico.com
Beer, but not lager --time.com/5218581/types-of-beer-guide/
Home to Peoria, Bloomington, Springfield, and Rockford (state, abbrev.) --google.com/maps
"When John and I first started to write songs, I was Phil and he was Don." --Paul _________ (last name). Don, last of the Everly Brothers, dead at 84. --"L A Times," 08/22/21
__-47 assault rifle --Wikipedia
Affiliation of western hemisphere countries (initials)
Peninsula state (abbrev.)
"Don't cry because it's over, _____ because it happened." (grin) --kick-off phrase, YouTube-video "Celebration of Life" memoriam tribute to Clarence "Big Man" Clemons, saxophonist, "E Street Band" --06/18/12
Difference between Covid virus and anti-vaxer: Changes and adapts to stay _____ (existing) --political cartoon, gocomics.com/robert-ariail/2021/08/18
Corporate head (initials)
Empress Alexandra of Russia's (wife of Nicholas II) favorite color; pale purple --google.com; Wikipedia
Traumatic Head Injury (initials) --google.com/search?q=t+h+i&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS850US850&oq=t+h+i+&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l4j69i60l3.1789j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
More expensive --lexico.com
Joltless joe? --washingtonpost.com/crossword-puzzles/daily/, 08/15/21
Spark, ignite --lexico.com
Satirist Andy Borowitz, "New Yorker" headline, 08/10/21: DeSantis Losing Support Among Voters Opposed to _____" (flatlining)
Indian bread --lexico.com
“A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for forever war in the Middle East. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to finally bring our troops home.” --____, 09/20, two months before the election (initials) --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/, 08/15/21
Final-content determiner (abbrev.) --lexico.com