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Cranial nerves

The second cranial nerve that conducts signals between the retina and the visual cortex of the brain.
The twelfth cranial nerve, responsible for the movement of the tongue muscles.
Eight cranial nerve, responsible for balance and hearing.
When damaged, this cranial nerve can cause diplopia and strabismus. It affects the lateral rectus muscle.
Fifth cranial nerve, involved facial sensation and chewing.
Fourth cranial nerve, involved in eye movement to left/right/up and down
The facial nerve that is involved in sensation of smell.
This cranial nerve is involved in pupil response.
Thankfully to the eleventh cranial nerve, we are able to move and rotate our neck.
Cranial nerve sensing taste from the back of the tongue.
Senses taste from the tongue root, sends sensory information from the organs in the chest. Stimulation can cause hypotension.
When infected, the seventh cranial nerve can cause Bell's palsy.