Paragraph 1: They had three sons and two daughters, whom they raised to "do what in honor of" Jehovah God and imitate Jesus Christ.
The great crowd accomplish the greater part of the preaching work with enthusiasm and "this". - Matthew 6:33; 24:14; 28:19, 20
This word is associated by (the kings of the entire inhabited earth) gathering to wage war against Jehovah. - Revelation 16:14
Jehovah allowed his Son to "do this" in our place so that we could have life. - Matthew 20:28
This word refers to the remaining anointed Christians who are still alive on earth.
Lord’s Evening Meal is the only festival that Christians are commanded to observe, therefore we observe it ___ year.
These qualify to stand before God’s throne to render him (sacred service day and night) in the earthly "what" of his spiritual temple?
We attend the Memorial in order to be "what" to Jesus’ command?
A relationship between people based on shared feelings, interests or experiences is called this.
When destruction is unleashed on Satan’s system of things, the great crowd will be spared the “what” of Jehovah’s anger? - [2 words]
Anointed Christians cannot even ___ what their spiritual body will be like. - 1 John 3:2
We praise God and Christ by attending the "what"? [3 words]
Unlike the little flock, this great crowd is much larger and has no fixed "what"? - Revelation 7:9, 10
They ___ out that they have been saved because of what Jehovah and Jesus, the Lamb of God, have done.
This year some will attend the Memorial while facing the challenge of commemorating the occasion while in "where"?
The great crowd to whom God extends the precious prospect of endless life in a global Paradise of beauty, ___, happiness and peace.
After Jesus foretold about the hardship, fear and "what" during the great tribulation, he said: (...lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near). - Luke 21:28
This apostle was called The Twin, or Didymous. - Mark 3:18 He may have been hasty in expressing his feelings or voicing his doubts.
Revelation 7:13-15 John reports that the great crowd have (washed their robes and made them white in the "what" of the Lamb).
The Hebrew name for this tree shaqedhʹ literally means, “awakening one,” because it is one of the earliest trees to bloom following the winter rest.
With Jehovah’s help, let us "do this" to cultivate the qualities we need to survive (the great tribulation). - James 1:2-4 [2 words]
Something or someone that is of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly is this.
Right now, some of Jehovah’s people are suffering physical "what" because of economic conditions, civil unrest and war?
The "what" majority who attend the Memorial have the earthly hope?
The greater part of the Kingdom "what" and disciple-making work, are accomplished by the great crowd. - Matthew 6:33; 24:14; 28:19, 20
Past tense: To eat or drink something.
The great crowd cherishes a hope that comes naturally to humans, the prospect of living "how long" on earth. - Ecclesiastes 3:11
Jesus gave no instructions for his disciples to be divided up into ordained class and lay class, they were all "what" as members of a spiritual family.
This represents Jesus' body.
Although the great crowd are not a part of the royal priesthood, they do not sit "this way" by but instead remain physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually clean.
Picture 1: The great crowd is dressed in white robes and holding "what" in their hands?
Approximately "how many" out of every 1,000 who attend the Memorial partakes of the bread and the wine.
(Keep doing this in remembrance of "who"). - 1 Corinthians 11:23-26