It is very important to drink plenty of ______ to stay hydrated.
_________ is the CTS Manager.
These are used by staff to keep track of clients while they are in the washroom.
Participating or watching a morning _________ can drastically improve mood and quality of rest while decreasing stress.
This is what is created when we all come together
It is important to keep personal belongings to a minimum in the drop-in and rest zone which is why the hub provides personal ______.
___________ Treatment Services is located on the bottom floor (rear entry) of the ICH.
All ______ are not allowed inside the Hub.
You can keep personal belongings in here for quick access.
Coffee is served starting at _____ am in the morning.
Sometimes staff put scented drops into a diffuser to help with rest/relaxation, which is called _____________.
CTS has one of these medical emergency people onsite during hours of operation.
There are several different types of these hot beverages available from the kitchen.
Always come and find a staff immediately if this happens
The number of minutes you can leave your rest zone pod generally is _______ minutes.
The first temporary home of the Integrated Care Hub was at ________ Park.
Always wear a face _______ (over chin, nose and mouth) to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Using ________ wipes to clean injection site prior to use, drastically reduces the chance of infection when using intravenous substances.
Because of COVID-19 we have to wash or _______ our hands more often.
The door to access rest zone from outside is opened on the half ____ and on the ____ (same word).
Please do not ever keep any _____ products in your bin because it can cause terrible smells and mold
If the showers are full, you can sign up and staff will put your name on the _________ list.
These come in green, orange, blue or black.
As long as it's not too cold, the Hub closes from 10-11am daily for _____ cleaning.