______ rationality is the choice of the most expedient action that is based on rules, regulations, and laws that apply to everyone.
In capitalism, both the proletariat and capitalists have an inaccurate sense of themselves, their relationship to one another, and the way in which capitalism operates. This is called _________.
One of Weber's most famous ideal types.
The ___________, in the West, unlike any other area of the world, people were motivated to be economically successful, not by greed, but by an ethical system that emphasized the ceaseless pursuit of economic success.
_______ is nonrational action that is the result of emotion.
_________, is what Marx refers to as the breakdown of, separation from, the natural interconnection between people and their productive activities, the products they produce, the fellow workers with whom they produce things, and with what they are potentially capable of becoming.
________ is a methodological technique involving an effort to understand the thought processes of the actor, the actor's meanings and motives, and how these factors led to the action or interaction under study.
________ in capitalism, refers to how the capitalists get the bulk of the profits and rewards and the proletariat get enough to subsist even though, based on the labor theory of value, the situation should be reversed.
________ solidarity refers to the idea that primitive society is held together by the fact there is little division of labor and, as a result, virtually everyone does essentially the same things.
This theorist stated that what differentiates primitive societies from modern societies in the source of their solidarity.