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Metamorphic Rocks

Texture: non-foliated, Foliation: Slaty Composition: Calcite Parent Rock: limestone
Texture: Non-foliated Foliation: gneissic banding Composition: quarts Parent Rock: sandstone Hardness: 7
Texture: non-foliated Composition: carbon Parent rock: Bituminous Coal Hardness 7
Fine grained, non-foliated, no specific composition, "baked" while near heat source,
Texture: Foliated Composition: mica, quarts Parent Rock: Slate
Texture: Foliated Foliation: slaty Composition: mica Parent Rock:Mudstone
Texture: Foliated Foliation: phyllitic Composition: quartz, mica, chlorite Parent Rock: mudstone Hardness: 7
Non-foliated rock, formed through recrystallization under conditions of high viscosity & directed pressure. Composed of horneblende and plagioclase
Consists primaroty of talc, varing amoutns of micas, chlorite, pyroxenes, & carbonates. Soft, dense, heat-resistant
Texture: Foliated, Composition: feldspar,mica,quarts, Parent Rock: Schist