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Ancient India Crossword Puzzle

Liberation from reincarnation
System of many government officials who carry out government rules and regulations
Secluded religious community
In Buddhism, a state of perfect wisdom
A long-term plan for achieving a goal
Information used to prove something
Buddhist sect that focuses on the wisdom of Buddha
A state of blissful peace without desire or suffering
Thinker or teacher
Result of an action, effect
In Hinduism, the effect of a person's actions in this and in previous lives
Occupation based caste
Seasonal wind that brings rain to the Indian subcontinent during parts of the year
Buddhist sect that focuses on the compassion of Buddha
To move from one region to another in order to live there
Fixed social class into which a person is born
Calm or clear the mind often by focusing on a single object
Collection of hundreds of sacred hymns composed by the Aryans of ancient India
A large landmass that is set apart from the rest of the continent
Willingness to respect different beliefs and customs
In Hinduism, the supreme cosmic consciousness, spiritual force, or God
Buddhist commemorative burial mound
Rebirth of a soul in a new body
Grouping based on ones skill
A person's duty or what is right for him or her
Membership in a state or community which gives a person civil and political rights and obligations
Avoiding doing harm to any living thing
Special building used to hold grain