This article will consider how we can give support to our spiritual sisters by imitating "whose" example.
Picture 2: We can show "what" for faithful sisters by following the examples illustrated? [2 words]
Wise elders realize that sisters are “what” of willing workers and capable preachers of the good news. - Psalm 68:11 [3 words]
Elders do well to make time before or after meetings so that they can do "what" with the sisters?
Our busy sisters share in the ministry looking for those who have "a what" for righteousness. - Matt. 5:6
Elders would be wise to avoid going "how" to visit a sister?
And Martha, disturbed because Mary was not helping, felt free to tell him what was on her "what"?
Sisters who are housebound may feel lonely, as may sisters who must care for "what kind of" family members?
Jesus, had ___ for women who did the will of his Father. [2 words]
Due to the ___ of a husband, a sister may need someone to be her advocate and help her care for some tasks that her husband used to do.
He did not view women as did the Jewish religious leaders of his "what"?
Those who live in a religiously divided home..., may at times feel "what way" from their spiritual family?
When Kia was moving, her group overseer immediately arranged for help which took away so much of the stress, anxiety or "this"?
Mary felt welcome to "do what" at his feet as a disciple.
Even though there are many examples of hardworking Christian woman worthy of our support, each situation "is this".
Godly women were the first witnesses of Jesus' "what"?
Singleness could be challenging for some, but neither getting married nor having children are the keys to "what"? - Luke 11:27, 28 [2 words]
Even though some sisters may live "in this place" having access to many services, there still may be things we can help them with.
Elders recognize that faithful "what kind of" sisters are effective in helping younger sisters deal with challenges? - Titus 2:3-5
It is no wonder that when Lazarus fell seriously "what", Mary and Martha knew from where they could get help. - John 11:3, 5
We can learn from how Jesus spent time with women, appreciated them, and "did what" for them? [2 words]
Regarding good association, at times sisters may find it challenging to fill this "what"?
He defended Mary a second time when others "did what" to her for making what they thought was a bad decision? - Mark 14:3-9
Regarding speaking up for your spiritual sisters when they need it, we must realize that some are doing the best they "what"?
These two were apparently single yet had a strong friendship with Jesus. - Luke 10:38-42 [3 words]
Paragraph 7: Jordan says that It means so much when others "do what", concerning her comments?
Some sisters may need someone to speak up for them when others become "what" to the difficulties they encounter?
One reference work states that the disciples sat at the "what" of their teachers?
Because the world does not always treat women with dignity, the Bible encourages us to give them "what"?
She does not have complete control over her schedule; nor does she have the ___ say over her children.
Like brothers, sisters attend pioneer school, the ___ and Gilead School.
Elders also need to exercise due "what" when assisting sisters?
He understood Mary’s motive and commended her by saying that she did a fine "what" toward him?
He not only allowed them to have that privilege but also revealed to them deep spiritual "what"?
Not children or marriage leads to permanent happiness, but instead putting Jehovah’s service "where"? - Matthew 19:12