Out of which vegetable were Jack O’ Lanterns originally made?
What mammal is able to fly and is associated with Halloween?
How many Oscars was Psycho nominated for?
What was the name of Dracula’s sidekick?
he maker of this product does not want it, the buyer does not use it, and the user does not see it. What is it?
What do witches use on their hair?
What’s a zombie’s favorite cereal?
What traditional activity takes place on Halloween and involves dressing children up in scary costumes and getting candy from neighbors’ houses?
What famous magician died on Halloween?
Pumpkins can be orange, white, green, or what other color?
Halloween has its origins in which ancient Celtic festival?
What is the original name for what we now call Candy Corn?
In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, how many people are killed with a chainsaw?
What word begins with letter C, looks like a pot and is normally used by witches to brew their potions and cast evil spells?
True or false: The word ‘hallow’ means saint or holy person?
What does the word ‘Hallow’ in relation to this holiday mean?
Transylvania is a region in which country?
Try and unscramble the following word: BINLOG in order to reveal an ugly, short, green creature that is usually dangerous to humans?
What is the most commercially successful horror movie of all time?