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The Ten Commandments

We are normally obliged to keep this
Killing an innocent person
God gave the Commandments to him
A sacred contract
Honor given to God
Damaging a reputation with the truth
The opposite of a lie
There are ten of these
The Commandments were written on tablets of ----
Site where the Commandments were given
The worship of God
The Chosen People's journey to the Promised Land
Knowing what is good and choosing how to accomplish it
Another name for the Ten Commandments
The Israelites fled from this place
Damaging a reputation with lies
Using God's name to call down evil on something
This is necessary to help us keep the Commandments
Idol chatter
The worship of false gods
Disrespectful use of God's name
They wandered in the desert
The honor paid to angels and saints
Taking what does not belong to me
To desire inordinately something that is not mine
This is written on our hearts
God made a covenant with them
Willing the good of another
Day of Rest