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Buddhism: Indo-Tibetan, Discussion Section Activity

Buddhism is individualistic. Is this statement true or false?
The community of Buddhists was called...
The 'messianic' and relatively orthodox kind of Buddhism.
In the Buddha's iconography, he is often associated with this flower.
When we look at the four fold truths, Buddhism seems to be a rigorous account of which phenomena--this phenomena is what science tries to account for too. *recall our early discussions.
Author of a scholarly text we have been reading critically in this course? (Hint: he is a practitioner of Buddhism, ordained by Dalai Lama).
According to a chart Yarnall has made, the 8 fold path has been written about in three canonical sections. The last 3 steps are written about in which genre? This Sanskrit word is also used, generically, to refer to any sacred text.
He vehemently argued for the middle path and the no-self doctrine. Lived in early CE.
She was the Buddha's aunt. She kept pushing him to include women in the sangha. This gal is important.
After becoming a popular religious figure, the Buddha, born in southern Nepal somewhere around 5 B.C.E. according to Powers, came to be known as?
We have discussed India's caste system. According to legend, which one did Buddha belong to? (Hint: it's an English word)
The great Buddhism
The ultimate Buddhahood according to Hinayana Buddhists.
God, goddess, or godly creatures
Liberation, according to the Mahayana Buddhists.
How many noble truths are there?
The Sanskrit word for wisdom is prajnya. What is the Pali word for the same?
According to Mahayana Buddhism, this guy can be fully liberated but decides instead to help others in suffering.
The act of concentration/meditation
What is the full name of the Buddha? He was born in southern Nepal somewhere around 5 B.C.E. according to Powers.
When the Buddha stepped out of his palace, what did he see?
A large body of early Buddhist literature is written in this language.
The --- fold path
The state of having concentration/meditation
Where did Tibetan Buddhism originate according to our readings so far?
Consciousness. There are many kinds of these. This word can be divided into two parts. a suffix + the Sanskrit word for knowledge.
He wrote before Mahayana Buddhism became popular. In fact, it is said that his work paved the way for Mahayana Buddhism to spread all the way to Tibet. The argument that Indo-Tibetan Buddhism has a pre-history in India (not Tibet or any other part of the world), hinges on his work. This guy is important.
Tenzin Gyatzo
The 'lower' kind of Buddhism
This king, allegedly, began the cool revolution.
The Buddha's religion is the Buddha what?
Buddhism, like all other religions of this world, has a history of violence--violence of resistance, war, imperialism, epistemic violence (seen in narratives of how 'the other' is portrayed and dealt with), so on and so forth. Is this statement true or false?