Agree-disagree responses to complex texts is often called ___ because it only allows two answers.
The purpose of reading is to not get as much information as possible out of a text, but to rather ____ one's beliefs on a given subject.
Responding to a text requires careful study of the ____ and arguments presented.
According to Douglas Brent, reading is not only a _____ for transmitting information, but also as a means of persuasion.
In the words of writer Alex Cimino-Hurt, "Being able to read critically is important no matter what you plan on doing with your career or life because ___ allows you to understand the world around you"
Treating texts as if they are unquestionable sources of knowledge represents the view of reading as ______.
While writing notes in the margins of the text, you can ask questions, agree __ disagree, or question the evidence presented in the text.
In the book "Ways of Reading", it states that the "pages before you will begin to speak ___ when the authors are silent and you begin to speak in their place."
A text presents an idea, not an absolute ______.
Good writing is usually ____ ____ research, theories, and stories that come from reading.
Approaches to reading may vary from person to person depending on __ personal experiences.
When critically reading, underline important passages, words, or sentences that stand ___ to you in some way.
We must ___ that our interpretation of a reading is not wrong; each person will take something different away from a text.
First step towards being an active reader is to _____ your reading process and preferences.
Discuss the reading with other ____, whether it be your classmates, your teacher or any other peers in your life.
Does not just include books, articles, websites; but in interviews and surveys you are _____ the information as well.