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Right Ventricular Failure

A patient with severe pulmonary hypertension and RV failure might develop cardiogenic ____
The RV has 1/6 of the ___mass compared to the LV
Right heart ______ can be performed as an outpatient procedure to evaluate the RV
The ventricle described as the "forgotten chamber"
Peripheral fluid collection
Systemic venous return
The RV can hold more _____ than the LV
Distended neck veins during inspiration is called ____sign.
As the RV dilates it can cause tricuspid______.
An estimated 20% to 40% of RV systolic pressure is generated from ___of the LV
Chronic RV failure is commonly caused by the development of pulmonary ______.
Patients with long-standing _____ htn may have PA pressures that equal or exceed systemic pressures.
Coronary ____ of the RV decreases during systole in patients with PA hypertension.
The RV has higher _____ than the LV
Pressure in the pulmonary vascular bed
RV failure can be tested by compressing the ____along the right costal margin with the head of the bed at a 45° angle.
For intubated patients receiving mechanical ventilation, inhaled ____oxide may be given to improve RV ejection fraction.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Cardiac assist device that may cause acute RV failure
Rapid increases in pressure can cause the RV to do this