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Countries in Europe

3rd largest island in Europe
Has a strong Muslim flair
Shares a large border with Russia
Its monarchy has existed for 1000 years
"Europe's last tyranny"
Nestled on the Mediterranean Sea & surrounded on 3 sides by France
Has serious illegal immigration problems from North Africa
England, Wales, Scotland & N. Ireland
Landlocked between France, Belgium and Germany
Largest country in the world, geographically
Landlocked in the east Pyrenees Mtns. on France/Spain border
Great naval tradition (Vikings)
Claims to be the world's oldest republic
Known as a neutral country with an advanced welfare system
Home of Benito Mussolini's Fascist dictatorship in late 1920s
Has 10 weeks of daylight in the summer.
Cultural crossroad between Germanic Europe and Romance Europe
Went through industrialization under Russia
3 Lateran Treaties established this independent state
Has a rather temperate climate, due to gulf streams, despite its name
1/2 of its land is less than 1 meter above sea level
5th largest economy in the world; historic rival of Germany, although relations are getting closer between the two
Located on the Iberian Peninsula by Spain