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305 LIVE Lax IQ Cross Word (Wk 2 of 9)

When you're off-ball on defense, you should always see the ____ AND your girl at the same time. This way you can see if your girl moves and go with her AND you can see if you need to help a fellow defender who is on or closer to ball.
When playing crease defense, your second option (after 11 across) is to keep your attacker outside of the _____. Don’t let them turn the corner to the goal.
Especially at the high school level or younger, when playing crease defense you typically _______ follow your attacker behind the goal (whether they do or don’t have the ball). It's too easy for an attacker to get you on their back and on their way to goal. (2 words)
On defense, if you get beat, it’s important to yell _____ to your teammates, while simultaneously trying to recover by sprinting/beating your attacker to the spot they are trying to get to.
When playing crease defense, your first goal is to keep your attacker behind _____. (3 words)
Swax lax balls are the same size and weight as a regular ball but soft and don’t ______ so great to use during training! Also get $5 off your swax lax order of $15 or more with code laxinthe305!
The way to get better at your non-________ hand is to continue to use it as much as possible even if it feels weird or difficult!
When shooting/throwing, your top hand is your ____, prividing accuracy.
When shooting, it’s important to see/focus on the _____ sapces in the net, rather than the goalie
Shooting/Throwing power comes from your CORE when twisting your hips AND from your ______ hand pulling down on the stick
Signature is known for their premium balls, but also have easy connect practice and game cages, as well as womens _____ which is now Coach Jenna’s favorite! Get 10% off all Signature with code laxinthe305!
When shooting, it’s important to be _______ with your body language even if you don’t throw a fake. Don’t make it completely oblivious to the goalie where you are shooting the ball
Complete 8 down first -- This among other things will help your aim when shooting/passing, but at the end of the day your _____ will dictate where the ball goes
When shooting, FIRST pointing your ____ in the direction you want the ball to go will help you aim better.
While playing crease defense, much of the same principles (from mini clinic #2 1v1 defense) apply, such as: a defenders should try to force and dictate where she wants the attacker to go, staying low and ________ the entire time. Watching hips, not biting for fakes, and keeping her feet moving
Throwing the ball with just your _____ like a baseball pitcher is a great way to work on your wrist snap/aim (for both right and left hand)
You can win a giveaway by doing this puzzle, submitting at least ____ video of you training per week or attending a LIVE!
Sliding and sideways ______ are skills all defenders should work on. You do this when your attackers starts running full speed and your have to stay with her while keeping contact and pressuring her