The author of our national anthem. Visit the Woodstock Museum National Historic Site for a hint.
The discovery of gold on this river in 1858 led to the birth of British Columbia as a province. Visit the Royal BC Museum for a hint.
This type of wooden boat that revolutionized the fur trade was first constructed at Buckingham House, a Hudson’s Bay Company fort along the North Saskatchewan River. Visit the Fort George and Buckingham House Provincial Historic Site for a hint.
Inuktitut word for polar bear. Visit the Canadian Museum of Nature for a hint.
Kiss this as part of the “screeching in” ceremony in Newfoundland and Labrador. Visit The Rooms Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador for a hint.
Name of Shawnee warrior whose body was rumoured to have been captured along with this Red Ensign flag during the War of 1812. Visit Museum Windsor for a hint.
Canada’s first curbside recycling program was launched in which Ontario city in 1983. Visit Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum for a hint.
The animal whose fur was the basis of one of the main economic activities from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Visit the Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Archaeology and History Complex for a hint.
This iconic Toronto train station has been built four times over 165 years! The second version opened on July 1, 1873. Visit the Toronto Railway Museum’s online exhibit for a hint.
New Brunswick has the oldest continuing _______, dating back to 1842.
This Niagara-bred, hardy red rose is named for the signature rock plateau that stretches through most of Canada. Visit the Royal Botanical Gardens for a hint.
A fort in Manitoba, a tree in British Columbia. Visit the Royal BC Museum for a hint.
The founding President of General Motors Canada. Visit the Parkwood Estate for a hint.
Workers of this manufacturing giant embarked on a landmark strike in April 1937, which which led to the recognition of their union. Visit the Oshawa Museum for a hint.
The name of the eponymous pictograph that represents Canada's only known written record of Treaty promises from the viewpoint of the Indigenous people (two words). Visit the Royal Saskatchewan Museum for a hint.
Nicknamed “Steeltown” this southern Ontario city boasts a castle and more than 100 waterfalls.
______ House Is a National Historic Site in Hamilton that interprets the history of an early Black settler. Visit the Hamilton Civic Museums for a hint.
Made in Canada: the world's first synthesizer, the Electronic __________. Visit the Canada Science and Technology Museum for a hint.
Teslin’s first car. Visit the George Johnston Museum in Teslin, Yukon for a hint.
This lake is at the western end of the Indigenous people’s historic portage route across the base of the Bruce Peninsula from Colpoy’s Bay (Georgian Bay). Visit the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre for a hint.
Sun-Rype, best known for its fruit juices, was established in this western Canadian city.
This prominent figure of the Rebellions of 1837-38 was also a member of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada for Simcoe County from 1834 to 1836. Visit the Simcoe County Museum for a hint.
Where Rubber Meets the Road by Gerald Beaulieu depicts Kelly and Cooper, two 16-foot _____ made of recycled tires in the Beaverbrook Art Gallery courtyard.