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Fun Facts Anatomy

Like fingerprints, each human ______ has its own unique print.
This is the only organ that can regenerate itself.
Blood in veins is ______ than blood in arteries.
Taste buds are not visible to the naked eye; the little bumps that can be seen on the tongue are actually _____, on top of which rest the taste buds
You get a new one every 30 days.
In an adult human, 25% of their bones are in ____.
For an adult human, taking just one _____ uses up to 200 muscles.
There are more bacteria in a human _____ than there are people in the world.
Fingers don’t have muscles that facilitate movement. The _____ in our fingers are moved by the muscles of the forearm.
An adult humans small intestine is about _____ times as long as an adult is tall.
The space between the eyebrows is called the _____ which is derived from the Latin word glabellus, meaning smooth.
The shape of these can predict a person's personality. Straight indicates that someone is more fact-oriented and direct. Slightly curved suggest that someone is more people-oriented.
This is the shortest bone in an adult - 2 to 3 mm long.
This renews itself completely every 10 years.
There are ten times more ______ cells in your body than human cells.
This is the strongest muscle in the human body.
The largest cell in the human body and is still barely visible to the naked eye.
This can support 30 times the weight of a person's body. Ounce for ounce, that's stronger than steel.
By the time a person is 70 years old, they will have lost about 105 pounds of this.