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Acute Kidney Injury

Monitor vitamin A levels for potential ____.
Identification of ____ weight is often subjective in patients with AKI-D.
Berbel et al based nutrition assessment on ____.
Management of AKI focuses on the ____ factor.
It is important to maintain renal blood flow to avoid ____.
____ is a hybrid form of CRRT.
The amount of wound ____ impacts protein needs.
The goal of AKI therapy is the ____ of kidney function.
____ contributes to marked loss of lean body mass.
____ nutrition should be initiated within 48 h of ICU admission.
Hypoalbuminemia is a ____ risk factor for AKI.
AKI staging includes decreases in ____ output.
Physical assessment of wasting includes examination of orbital ____ pads.
One of the more important nutrition assessment parameters for PEW is lean body mass ____.
Rarely does AKI occur as an ____ organ failure.
____ can be used with out-patient AKI-D patients unable to meet nutrient needs enterally.
Out-patient AKI-D is a balancing act of ____ status and protein intake.
10-30% of AKI-D ____ require dialysis after hospital discharge.
Nitrogen balance -5.0 to _10.0 is associated with ____ hypercatabolism.
Indirect ____ cannot be performed during CRRT.
A nutrition goal in the hospital is to treat ____ without overfeeding.
AKI-D recovery is influenced by RRT modality, timing and ____ management.
The ____ angle is a prognostic indicator and predictor of survival.
Patients with AKI-D should be kept slightly ____.
Prevention of AKI includes avoidance of ____.
AKI is characterized by a rapid increase in serum ____.
Shock can cause ____ AKI.
AKI is associated with 30-day ____ as high as 24%.
Do not limit ____ to avoid or delay RRT.
There is controversy over the timing and initiation of ____.
The Berbel study classified the severity of disease of patients as proposed by the ____.
Improved ____ and weight gain are predictors of late mortality.