"Husband and I went grocery shopping with masks. Came home, took off our masks, brought home _____ husband! Stay alert people!" (not correct) --FB poster, 05/16/20
"Today I'm doing nothing, because I started doing it yesterday and I wasn't finished . . . and I'm no _______" (person who didn't complete) --FB poster, 05/16/20
100,000 Cruise _______ Still “Trapped” Aboard Ships (employees) --"Complex," 05/18/20
McEnany is off to a shameless start as WH Press Secy, but she's better than nothing. UPI's Helen ______ would not have put up with harassing the press by any of the 10 presidents she covered nor would she have been intimidated by President Trump (last name) --Diane Nine, usatoday.com, 05/17/20
Get progressively narrower --puzzles.usatoday.com, 05/18/20
First person singular form of "is"
Kids isolating in house with overgrown hair in eyes to parent, "Mom, we need haircuts." Similarly disheveled parent: "I'm ___" (male parent) --FB cartoon, 05/17/20
Big city 400 miles west of Phoenix (initials)
Minneapolis to Chicago direction (abbrev.)
Flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom (initials) --Wikipedia
Less than stellar paper medium
Midwestern swing state with Democratic governor and Republican legislature that voted for Trump in 2016 (abbrev.) --Wikipedia
"If common sense was lard, most people wouldn't be able to ______ a pan" (oil) --FB poster, 05/16/20
Abbreviation for 2 degrees, one that's a BS, one that's a BA
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, a space telescope launched in 2018 designed to search for extra-solar planets (initials) --Wikipedia
"If returning to work is so safe, why are Trump and Republicans trying to grant businesses ________ from liability if workers get sick or die?" (exemption) --FB poster, 05/17/20
Dead this week at age 86 of natural causes, Actor Fred _______ of "Best In Show". When asked to name his greatest achievement, said “teaching my daughter to catch a fly ball.” (last name) --nyt.com, 05/16/20
Satarist Andy Borowitz, "New Yorker": "Trump Orders Pence to Start Picking Up ______’s Laundry. The Vice-President has reportedly hit the ground running in his new role and is in talks with ______ about how he likes his shirts done." (last name) --05/18/20
Two states, MO and __, border the most (8) other states --quora.com
Wield, utilize --lexico.com
American private college and culinary school specializing in culinary, baking, and pastry arts education. The school's primary campus is located in Hyde Park, New York (initials) --Wikipedia
Alphabetical vowel progression
“The job of the newspaper is to comfort the _________ed and _______ the comfortable.” --fictional 19th century bartender Mr. Dooley, created by "Chicago Evening Post" columnist Finley Peter Dunne --usatoday.com, 05/17/20
"Store Reopens Just In Time For ________ Sale" (going-out-of-business) --theonion.com, 05/12/20
Opening lines from poem by retired hospice chaplain, Sharon Fay Koch: "You can shed tears that he is gone Or you can _____ because he has lived You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left . . . ." (small grin) (adapted from a short verse by David Harkins; recited at Bob Press funeral service/visitation, 05/16/20)
Midwest state with "lean Republican" Senate race this November (abbrev.) --cookpolitical.com, 05/19/20
Hospital triage center (initials)
The __________ Senate majority is getting more precarious and now control after the November 2020 election appears to be a 50-50 proposition. (political party) --cookpolitical.com, 05/13/20
Ralph Kramden's tv pal (last name)
Fan refrain for a poor ref call
Apparent Trump re-election strategy: forget traditional blocs, secure the base and go after the 40% who are _________ ("voting" bloc) -- Tamera Keith, "PBS News Hour", 05/18/20
Trump won't be honoring a White House tradition for decades that a first-term president hosts his immediate predecessor in the East Room for a ceremony to unveil the ________ of the former president that will hang in the halls of the White House for posterity (painting) --"NBC News," 05/19/20
Mission Inn Hotel & Spa, an historic hotel in Riverside, California, United States (initials)
Presidential election month
The 1,450-mile Colorado River drains/waters 7 states: __, CO, UT, AZ, NV, NM and CA --google.com
Campaign poster: "TRUMP PENCE You drank the kool-aid in 2016 DRINK THE ______ IN 2020" (disinfectant) --FB poster, 05/17/20
Represented by Grassley and Ernst in the US Senate (abbrev.) --google.com
Firing __ all cylinders, alert
Prefix meaning "one half". (As a general rule, not always followed, goes with words of Greek origin and "semi-" with those of Latin origin) --medicinenet.com
Title or form of address to members of the clergy (abbrev.) --lexico.com
Preposition to indicate position
Ad in its own window --puzzles.usatoday.com, 05/18/20