No one at the fair knew _________ had played the most important part of all. (21)
Groaning and complaining, Templeton climbed up and snipped Charlotte's eggsac down with his _______. (21)
Months after the fair, Fern was still thinking of being in the ________ with Henry. (2 words, no space Ch. 22)
The geese ate _______ and turnips. (22)
Charlotte was both a true friend and a great ______. (22)
Wilbur told the rat to use ________ care as to not harm a single egg. (21)
Wilbur decided that if Charlotte was not leaving the fair, he would take her _______. (21)
Charlotte encourages Wilbur to enjoy the lovely world in his ________ days. (21)
A few strands of Charlotte's old ______ hung in the doorway. (22)
Wilbur thought the barn was the best place to be, year after year, in the _______ of everything. (22)
What happened just before Christmas. (22)
Templeton was _________ when Wilbur called for his attention. (21)
With all the babies leaving, it felt like the end of the ______ and made Wilbur cry. (22)
Wilbur accused the rat of acting like a ________ child. (21)
The baby spiders grew and as the warm wind blew in they floated away on balloons made of ______ (22).
Templeton said the eggsac felt like eating ________. (21)
Because Wilbur kept his ________ to Templeton, the rat grew very fat. (22)
Charlotte knew Wilbur would live secure and _____ after their success at the fair. (21)
Charlotte had been Wilbur's true ______. (21)
By __________ others we also lift and improve our own messy lives. (21)
The goose had laid _______ eggs this spring. (22)
Fern and Avery brought a ______ to coast down the lane. (22)
The day after everyone went home and the fair was torn down, Charlotte ____ all alone. (21)