Representative J.J. Anthony was killed by Speaker John Wilson in the infamous 1837 ___ on the floor of the House of Representatives. (two words)
A capitAl always refers to a city, letter, or wealth; _____ refers only to a government building.
The deterioration of the original rubble stone ___ caused the building to sink and sag, resulting in the need for the 1996-99 restoration.
Don't look for this architectural style at an ancient church meeting! (two words)
The iconic, front-and-center architectural feature of the Old State House (plural).
During the 1920s the Old State House was officially designated as a ____ memorial.
The Postal Service has twice issued these commemorative items featuring the Old State House, in 1936 and 1986.
Last governor to serve in the Old State House and first to serve in the present State Capitol.
First governor the the state; also the name of a Central Arkansas city.
This signature outdoor feature was first displayed at the 1876 Centennial Exposition.
Known in classical architecture as a portico, the Old State House originally had two of these ____ (one north and one south; the north one was removed for the 1885 expansion).
This impressive, decorative iron feature has greeted all visitors to the building since 1880.
The "three graces," a three-figure ____ representing Law, Justice, and Mercy, sat atop the building from 1886-1928.
One of the museum's current exhibits features Arkansas-made African American
____. (plural)
From 1925 to 1946, George Crosson and his _____ lived in the caretaker's cottage on the Old State House grounds.
Gideon Shryock was the Old State House’s designer, also known as an ____.
A common clothing attachment that has been frequently found during archaeological excavations.
The earliest photograph of the building shows this northern martial group gathered on the grounds. (two words)
The state's ____ school occupied the building from 1912 to 1935.
Originally, colonnades, open pathways framed with columns, connected the east and west ____ to the main building. (plural)
This "upper" legislative body met in the building from 1836 to 1911.
This governor won his "war" for the office.
This famous lawn object is certainly no "lady!"
One of the museum's most historically significant collections is our Civil War Battle ____. (plural)