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Radiation Safety

The heart of the x-ray generating system where xrays are generated
this controls the level of blackness on a radiograph
This setting controls the quantity and density
This technique is recommended when taking x-rays
this type of radiation is the central ray that comes from the xray tube
this device monitors the operator's MPD
the process that occurs when current passes through the cathode filament and heats up
lead apron minimal thickness is _____mm
The number of years should x-rays records be kept
this occurs when an electron is removed from the orbital shell
this type of radiation occurs when the primary beam interacts with matter
this type of technique may be used in situations where the patient has a small mouth or tori
the range of grey, black, and white
this type of tissue has highest sensitivity to radiation
appears dark on radiograph
this type of extraoral xray is placed outside the mouth during exposure
a series of 4 xrays taken once a year
the type of radiograph shows the crown, root, and 2-3mm beyond the apex
mm of aluminum-equivalent filtration is needed when operating above 70kvp
The length of these wavelengths are more powerful, useful, and contains more energy
the error occurs when PID is not centered over the film
This setting controls quality and penetrating power
Collimators restricts the size of the xray beam from to _____ - 2.75inches