How you might make a face mask
You shout this when you have one card in the game of the same name
Holiday to celebrate end of WWII in Europe
Tallest mountain in the world
Title character of His Dark Materials
How our parents might get to work in the future
Game with six chances often, but add five if you include a face
Luke Skywalker’s green mentor
Goodnight ___ is a favourite 50 Across
The house of Harry, Hermione and Ron
In The Day the Crayons Quit, this colour complains of being used too much
Name of a piece fruit and a colour
Spot for hot chocolate in Wandsworth Common
Last name of author who visited Finton House
Football club coming back to our neighbourhood (____ AFC)
Fruits that grow on trees
General name of a place nearby with trees and grass
The tube line that you take from Tooting Bec
Someone we now see on Zoom
Colour before violet in the rainbow
What grows on Trinity Fields (and looks better than it did in January)
Sound you might hear after you speak
Sound you make when you laugh
Joe Wickes exercise that starts with a bunny
A number divided by itself equals this