Many meanings, one is the seed of a cereal plant, such as wheat. Also word for individual 'piece' of sand
Many meanings--noun: people who work together for an employer;
verb: to find and engage workers for a company
noun: a long stick that helps people walking long distances (old word)
Use of force and intimidation
Musical instrument, also the first name of a Canadian woman of note
Angry, uncontrolled group of people (think of the French Revolution)
Depending on the context: v--to not agree to comply with a request or offer; n-synonym for garbage
In our lesson, a punishment that means children have to stay home (like house arrest for teenagers)
Loss of pride and dignity and bad feeling that results from this
Something (usually bad) that takes place, happens
The opposite of showy-- speech or dress that does not call attention to the person
The political practice of keeping people of different groups or races apart (always to the disadvantage of an oppressed group)
Past form, strong version of TO REQUEST (verb)
The quality of a person who is dignified, keeps calm and polite under pressure
Noun or verb
a tiny bit of fire, often one that starts something bigger.....
Human quality of pardoning someone who has hurt you
A large assembly of people (n), also the present continuous of the verb 'to gather', to collect or assemble.
An upper level seating area in a theatre, or a small place to sit outside a building above the first floor
Focus public attention in a strong way (v)
In English a stronger form of ASK (noun or verb)
Body part where thigh meets pelvis (a joint)
Fixed time authorities demand people be home (war, parents)
Opposite of to know something
Grow, get bigger (used of businesses, but could be your waistline, too)
Considered to be sacred, worthy of veneration or worship
An immortal part of a human which religious people believe lives on after physical death, the animating principle