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The prayer that Jesus taught his disciples
A prayerful focus on a particular Scripture or thought
The acknowledgement of sinful behavior
The religious leader who formalized prayer in the Jewish faith and instituted the practice of praying three times a day
The ancient and sacred hymns found in the Bible used in Christian and Jewish worship
The Hebrew word for the prayer shawl traditionally worn by observant Jews
The spiritual communication between man and God
The Hebrew word for the set of small black leather boxes that contain scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah
How prayer is defined in Judaism
A fundamental prayer in Judaism based on the words of Deuteronomy 6:4
One of the most important prayers in Judaism, also known as "The standing prayer," which is recited three times a day
God’s favor and protection
The act of saying a prayer on behalf of another person
The building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship
A prayer service that takes place takes place on the evening of Yom Kippur
A quorum of ten men and women required for traditional Jewish public worship
One of the most sacred sites in Jerusalem where men and women gather to prayer
To humbly come before God and earnestly ask Him for something
To offer praise and worship to God with gratitude
To pray by laying down flat on the ground