When you put their allowance together, the children got ______ than a dollar (17)
The big pig didn't have a name. He just wanted to be called _______. (17)
Mr. Arable warned the children to watch out for ________. (17)
What did men eat when they got home from the fair? (18)
Wilbur wanted to know where Charlotte was because she almost never leaves her ____. (18)
What flavor soda pop did Aver want? (17)
After unloading Wilbur, Mr. Zuckerman really wanted to see a _________. (17)
Fern had won a _________ doll. (17)
The weather was extremely _______. (17)
What was wrong withe the apple core the rat saw? (18)
The Arables watched __________ while Charlotte finished her final word web. (18)
While Charlotte made her web and Wilbur was sleeping, __________ looked around. (18)
Wilbur's pen at the fair was shaded and _________. (17)
The family planned to eat lunch at _____. (17)
Charlotte quickly crawled up under the _____. (17)
Fern wanted to win a doll and buy a _______. (17)
Wilbur never felt ________ when Charlotte was around. (18)
Lurvy made a ________ for the children to sleep in after lunch. (17)
Wilbur had a ________ white coat. (17)
Nobody noticed the web before they left that night because it was too ______. (18)
A fair at night has what kind of hiding and hunting for a rat? (18)