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Menstruation/Fertilization/Fetal Development

These are chemical messengers
The release of an egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube is called...
The name of the egg when it is fertilized by a sperm (starts with a "Z"
During the 2nd and 3rd trimesters the baby is called this
A virus that is deadly to both mother and baby (3 letters)
The menstrual cycle lasts about this number of days.
The absence of this is one of the first signs of pregnancy (two words)
Illegal drugs taken during pregnancy run the risk of this (starts with an "M"
How many days can sperm live inside the female's body
About how many weeks after the first day of menstrual flow does ovulation occur?
This is where fertilization takes place (Two Words)
Substances enter and leave the body through this (2 words)
This is where the exchange of materials between mother and fetus takes place (starts with a "P"
Pregnancy is divided into three parts called...
Women who do this can damage the placenta and run the risk of having a premature baby
When women get older and stop having menstrual cycles
The union of the sperm and the egg
Premature babies have trouble with these as they are the last two develop
A pregnant women who drinks can cause their baby to be born with this (3 letters)
The changes that happen in a female's uterus before, during and after ovulation is called..
The menstrual flow is made up of some blood, the unfertilized egg and this linning the starts with an "E"
The name of the balls of cells that implant into the endometrium is called....