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Introduction to Hazardous Materials at the First Responder Operations Level

Because of these elements _____ will happen
Hazmat Tactical Operations Acronym
Subsidiary Hazard - poisonous
Hazmat Release Commons
Common Release Factor
Definition when transported
Number of haz mat division
Must plan for response and cleanup
Corrosive Material
Does not meet the definition of any other class
What kind of event can make the situation suddenly worse
High Activity Package
Because of these elements _____ will happen.
Assumes control of the incident
Not all materials neatly ____ into those definitions.
Part of initial response
Areas surrounding the danger area
Controls or stops the release
An understanding of what is hazardous substances are
Protect persons, property & Environment
What is the fundamental difference responding to a hazmat response
Fire Fighting Resources of CA Organized for Potential Emergencies
Toxic to humans