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RFBYC Puzzle #3 - Nautical Terms

An officer of a yacht club
At some distance from the shore; located in the sea away from the coast
Any device for removing water that has entered a vessel
A spar projecting from the bow that is used as an anchor for the forestay and other rigging
A unit of length corresponding approximately to one minute of arc of latitude along any meridian arc
A blue and white flag (the flag for the letter P) hoisted before vessels are about to sail
The height of a ship's hull (excluding the superstructure) above the waterline
A substantial vertical pillar to which lines may be made fast
A safety harness used to hoist a man up the mast
To turn or steer a vessel away from the wind, often with reference to a transit (2 words)
An open-front canvas top for the cockpit of a boat, usually supported by a metal frame
A board or plate lowered through the hull of a dinghy on the centerline to resist leeway
The top rail around the outer perimeter of the deck
An object ashore that is visible from sea and sufficiently distinct such that it is marked on nautical charts
The general condition of the free surface on a large body of water with respect to wind waves and swell at a certain location and moment (2 words)
An open-front canvas top for the cockpit of a boat, usually supported by a metal frame
A group of vessels traveling together for mutual support and protection
In the direction that the wind is blowing towards
A type of small boat, often carried or towed by a larger vessel
A small flag, typically triangular, flown from the masthead of a yacht to indicate yacht-club membership
A seating area (not to be confused with the deck) towards the stern of a small-decked vessel that houses the rudder controls
An opening in a ship's side, especially a round one for admitting light and air
The horizontal direction of a line of sight between two objects on the surface of the Earth
A rope or cable serving to hold a mast up from side to side
A stiff strip used to support the roach of a sail, increasing the sail area
A vessel of the same class as, and therefore virtually identical in design and appearance to, another vessel
An emergency call that alerts the crew that someone has gone over the side into the water and must be rescued
An upright wall within the hull of a ship, particularly a watertight, load-bearing wall.
A floating object of defined shape and color which is anchored at a given position and serves as an aid to navigation
A sail control that lets one apply downward tension on a boom, countering the upward tension provided by the sail (2 words)
A device used to measure the depth of a body of water using a SONAR device (2 words)
A stationary device used to secure a rope aboard a vessel
The compartment of a vessel where food is prepared
A person who designs, builds, and repairs ships, especially wooden ones
The system of masts and lines on sailing vessels
An angle in the hull
A type of knot producing a strong loop of a fixed size
Unable to move due to a lack of wind, said of a sailing vessel
The compartment at the bottom of the hull of a ship or boat where water collects and must be pumped out
A flat-bottomed boat with a square-cut bow designed for use in small rivers or other shallow water and typically propelled by pushing against the riverbed with a pole
A cry to draw attention
A pyrotechnic signalling device, usually used to indicate distress
The initials for a device used to keep people afloat in the water