A poisonous snake Acts 28:3, Isa.11:8
We must search for the wisdom of God as we would this. Prov.2:1-5
This weapon is the most often used and least controlled by all mankind. James 3:5-9, 1 Peter 3:10
Abraham's name before God changed it. Gen.Gen.17:5
By definition, angels are among this class of beings
A place where testing is done
There are many religions but God is looking for those who are worshiping with this. John 4:22-24, John 8:32
God's name. Matt.6:9, Ps.83:18
All will be released from this place on "Judgement Day" Rev.20:13
Another word for granary barns/ storage. Luke 12:13-21
God will do this to those doing this to the earth Rev.11:18 (different word with same meaning)
Postal abbreviation for New Hampshire
This is what one will face if he were to reply before hearing all the facts. Prov.18:13
We should have empathy for people and ____ with those who ____ Rom.12:15
Without this, faith is worthless. James 2:17,18
What evolutionist think man evolved from. Rom.1:25
Began ruling as King when he was 7 years old and ruled for 40 years. 2 Kings 11:21
latin; "in the year of our lord" (abbrev.)
This is the outcome of all who do not know God and those who do not obey the Christ. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9, Rom.6:23
God created the earth for it to be ________ Isaiah 45:18
His name literally means "Jehovah is Salvation"
This is the spirit of the world around us today. Eph.2:2
Nehemiah's expression when he heard of Jerusalem's poor condition
An expert player, a hot-shot pilot, a 'high' card
All of these were given to Satan to rule over. Luke 4:5,6, John 12:31, 14:30 16:11, Eph.2:2, 2 Corinth.4:4
This is not a means to a better life. This is what we call something that robs or threatens our life. 1 Corinth.15:26,
A prince of Midian killed after escaping Gideon's pursuit. Judges 7:23-25
Faith is not credulity, but is based on this. Heb.11:1
they are blind because they refuse to do this. Matt.15:14
Stories that aren't meant to be taken literal but teach a lesson or make a point. Matt.13:34, Luke 16:17, 19-31
What Jesus rode into Jerusalem with the crowds hailing him as King. Matt.21:6-9
The penalty for sin, no matter how serious, Rom.5:12, Rom.6:23
ALL of these are beneficial because they are given to us by our Creator, 2 Tim.3:16, 17
On the condition or supposition that,.... 'whether' 2 Thess.3:10
What was lost when Adam rebelled but will be restored. Ps.37:11, Matt.5:5, Rev.21:3,4
Luke 23:43
Jesus caused this to happen to a fig tree to teach a lesson. Matt.21:20 ("to wither")
Second letter of the greek alphabet
Those who claim to follow Jesus must make these. Matt.28:19,20
God defines himself this way to distinguish himself from all the triad gods worshiped. Deuteronomy 6:4
Something paid to buy something back. John 20:28, Rev.21:5
This means breaking God's laws. 1 John 3:4
A standard of measurement
God sent him to kill a 185,000 soldiers in one night 2 Kings 19:35
Amphibian resembling a frog