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Plate Tectonics

Teacher: Mrs. Wahus 6th Grade Science
The combined Sea Floor Spreading and Continental Drift Theories.
When the magnetic field around the earth changes direction, it is a _________ _________.
_________ theory was rejected.
A _________ boundary is when the plates are moving towards each other.
A _________ boundary is where the plates slide past each other in opposite directions.
Alfred Wegener had landform, climate, and_________ evidence.
A _________ boundary is when the plates are moving towards each other.
Harry Hess had this, but Alfred Wegener did not.
The "Super Continent".
___________ _______ are the huge pieces of the lithosphere that make up Earth's surface.
The ___-_____ _____ is where the rock parts, and new land forms.
The theory of __________ _______ states that the continents were once one super continent, and will be again.
The theory that magma comes up from the mid ocean ridge and creates new land.
This person discovered Sea Floor Spreading.
_________ is when the plates are recycled into the asthenosphere.