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Brain Crazy

Teacher: Ethan Auzston
The section of the brain behind and below the cerebrum, it consists of two lateral lobes and functions as the coordinating center for muscular movement
Is a living one way wire with switches at both ends that sends electrical impulses.
Causing vomiting
The theory ,which goes back to the ancient Greeks, declares that health is maintained by a balance of four liquids , in the body blood , phlegm , yellow bile and black bile.
Occurs when an external force causes brain dysfunction and enters the brain
An instrument that traces electrical patterns in the brain
Similar in appearance to a crowbar, used for gun powder blasting
The bones forming the enclosure of the brain
Pathogenic bacteria that can infect another system like the lungs and the digestive tract
A photograph in a metal plate like an x-ray
To bring together, compare
When the brain is injured as a result of a blow to the head
Bacteria that causes disease, usually through wound infection or food poisoning
To dig out of the earth
Single celled microorganisms
A non invasive diagnostic procedure that produces the image of a cross-section of an object
A system now rejected, the analysis of character could allegedly be made by studying the shape and protuberances of the skull
Of life or living things or caused by living organisms.