What one man has and another does not (James)
Absalom and Judas both did this
The devil, metaphorically (2 wds)
A remnant to be possessed, according to Amos
In the Year of our Lord: Lat.
"The truth will ____ you free"
"We do not wage ____ according to flesh"
On Day 5, God created animals that live here
A tribe that settled East of the Jordan
A branch carried by a dove
This bowed down in a dream
Fruit from the Mediterranean region
Last person named in the "Hall of Faith"
The Shunammite woman prepared a room for Elisha with one
King of Judah who died of a "disease in his feet"
One of these cannot fall without God's notice
A picture of God's power, outstretched
A crack in the earth, formed
"have ____ gods before me" (pt 2, with 67 down)
Number of days Paul stayed with Peter (Cephas)
Methuselah lived 969 of these
Number of foundation stones in the New Jerusalem
Parts of sacrificial animals burned outside the camp
Where Paul was caught up to (2 wds)
"We plead on Christ's behalf, 'Be ____ to God.'"
A large gathering in Revelation
The hour that darkness fell
Character produces this, according to Romans
These were recorded of the apostles
Often paired with sackcloth
Satan is the father of these
Tribal territory where Joshua and Eleazar were buried
Jesus: The Bright Morning ____
God heard this from the Hebrew slaves