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CNA Chapters 8, 10, 33-36, 39-41 Review Part 1

Clouding of the lens in the eye
Moves food through digestive system
Paralysis in legs and trunk
Seeing, hearing, smelling or feeling something that is not real
Stroke assessment
Basic unit of body structure
Kidney stone
Protection against a disease
Loss of mental function
Group of cells with a similar function
Removal of all or part of an extremity
Low blood pressure
Low blood sugar
Process of restoring the person their previous function
Cells may develop into different cells
Process of breaking down food
A tumor that does not spread
Open fracture
Growth of abnormal cells
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Known as a mini stroke
Uncontrolled contractions
Carries blood to the heart
Paralysis in arms legs and trunk
Tumor that invades and destroys
Loss of bone density
Causative agent for cancer
Elevated blood pressure
Joint inflammation
Multiple sclerosis
Carries blood away from heart
Activities of a normal day
Groups tissues with the same function