The drug manufacturers claimed their new pain medication was ________ and had no side effects.
To come into a place, you must do something.
What a bunny may do making a short, bouncing leap.
verb (used with object)
to irritate; annoy; provoke. Rhymes with hex
fine in texture, quality, construction, personality, etc.:
" A _____ lace collar.
n. A job that brings a salary or reward without requiring work; a job in name only
The opposite of bad is _____
When something is simple to do--not difficult.
The bird with the longest wingspan
Fringes on bottom of a dress are made from what material?
Following the death of her mother, Tiffany was so ___________ that she couldn’t bring herself to leave her room.
Children that are always running around, active, noisy, curious and driving moms crazy.
Rhymes with compunctious
What do you call a newborn goat?
Verb: to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands. Rhymes with bag.
adj. Having a positive or healthy result
Among the chattering, inquisitive students were a few _______, bored-looking ones who were destined to fail.
Something you might scream when you are happy.
An interjection Informal.
(an exclamation used to express joy, excitement, etc.)
Even after years of petitioning, members of the small nomadic group were unable to ________ land for the village they hoped to set up.
Another word for a career, work
Recent studies have shown that a glass of wine every day may have a _________ effect on an individual’s cardiovascular system.
When you meet someone you can't forget
adj. Causing many deaths on all sides of a conflict
Another word fo when you are asked to talk. Kids who are shy will not do this.