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MA 208 Puzzle Review #2

Teacher: Jill Rivera RT(R), MA
The lumbar spine has how many vertebrae
Palpable prominence between eyebrows
Facial view that best demonstrates frontal and ethmoid sinuses
Line in the center of the x-ray beam and perpendicular to the long axis of he x-ray tube
Hole in the ring of the vertebrae
When OID is increased, scatter is
SI unit for dose measurement
Radiation absorbed dose
What sinuses are called Antra of Highmore
Grids tend to do what to patient dose
Thoracic zygapophyseal joints are aligned at what degree to the sagittal plane
Passageway for the spine
Shields placed on the body are called
Angle of the mandible
Due to obscurity when imaging sacrum, coccyx, and pelvis, what position should your patient be in for dose reduction
Sternal angle is how many inches superior to the midthoracic landmark
C2 is called
Mechanism that tends to stop a moving part
Image receptor consists of the xray film and this
Device to protect film from scatter radiation fog