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Legal Liability and Insurance

Liability and Insurance: Sports Med 1
Larger network; if service is rendered at the facility then insurance pays 80-100%
Improper completion of job which violates the standard of care
The act of insuring property, life one's person against the loss of harm arising in specified condition
A legal defense; where a person voluntarily accepted a known risk of danger
A private of civil wrong or injury
A written document that details the standard of care required in an emergency at an institution
Combination of HMO and PPO
Legally sanctioned obligation
Reimbursement process in which members make a standard payment each month regardless of medical treatment redered
One who is sued
Confession, concessions or voluntary acknowledgments made by a party to the existance of certain facts
Failure to act in a given situation
All expenses related to an injury that an insurance co provides with a policy
Responsibility of one's actions
The legal responsibility of makers and sellers of products fo injuries caused by defects in products the make or sell
Provides limited protection against legal liability to any individual voluntarily chooses to provide first aid
Compensation recoverable for injury
Ones responsibility for the actions of others who are under their supervision
Covers 100% of the cost for all services as long as services are provided by preassigned facility
Provides for the remaining expense
Actions of a person led to damages and to what extent the person is responsible for the damages caused
Amount for which the person is liable on each injury before the insurance co will make a payment
Acts in an improper manner
One who commits a tort
One who intitiates a suit
Unauthorized touching or striking of another person
How many critieria's have to be meet in order to have a court liability case
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act