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Political Parties Crossword

Puzzle Type: Educational
A political party that formed against Andrew Jackson in 1832, but died out by 1852.
A function of the American party system that helps people interpret issues quicker and easier, and helps tell people when to vote
"_______" party; an organized effort by office holders, candidates, activists, and voters to pursue their common interests by gaining and exercising power through the electoral process.
A function of the American party system that works to abate the turbulent passions of democracy
"________" party; the workers and activists who make up the party's formal organization structure
Era of "___" party rule; the era between 1816 and 1828 when only one party was created and ruling
To vote for candidates of different parties for various offices in the same election
"_____" money; funds that can be used for direct electioneering but that are limited and regulated by the Federal Elections Commission
"_______" realignment; a shifting of party coalition groupings in the electorate that remains in place for several elections
"_____" age; characterized by political machines, and the rise of democrats and republicans
"______" of parties; the era when parties first started to be formed, from 1789-1816.
Think-"____," which is an institutional collection of policy-oriented researchers and academics who are sources of policy ideas
"_______" representation; a voting system that apportions legislative seats according to the percentage of the vote one by a particular political party
A party organization that recruits voter loyalty with tangible incentives and is characterized by a high degree of control over member activity.
"____"-take-all system; a electoral system in which the party that receives at least one more vote than any other party wins the election
A function of the American party system that keeps the party unified
"_______" party; the office holders who organize themselves and pursue policy objectives under a party label
Candidate "_________," which is politics that focuses directly on the candidates, their particular issues, and character, rather than on party affiliation
A group made up of interests or organizations that join forces for the purpose of electing public officials
Parties have endured the years because they have "_____," or changed over the years to remain relevant and helpful.
"______" party platform; a statement of the general and specific philosophy and policy goals of a political party
The selection of party candidates through the ballots of qualified voters rather than at party nomination conventions
"______" politics; politics that focuses on specific issues rather than on party, candidate or other loyalties.
A reason political parties have endured; they are able to bounce back from defeat. They are "______"
"______" election; an election that signals a party realignment through voter polarization around news issues
"______" realignment; the gradual rearrangement of party coalitions, based more on demographic shifts than on shocks to the political system
Parties have endured because they are flexible and "_____."
A party, which started in 1832k that succeeded the old Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans, and held the first national presidential nomination convention
"_____" age; characterized by political and social changes that shrank the influence of political parties (civil service laws, direct primaries, etc.)
"_____" money; the virtually unregulated money funneled through political parties under the auspice of party building