Lurvy agreed that Wilbur was not only long, but also _______ (11)
A lamb suggested Pig ________ (12)
By church on Sunday, the whole ________ knew about the writing in Charlotte's web. (11)
Wilbur thought he was just _________, but his best friend thought he was sensational. (12)
Edith is Mr. Zuckerman's ______. (11)
What did Charlotte's web say in block letters? (two words, no spaces; Ch.11)
The gander spelled terrific with a lot of _______ letters. (12)
Lurvy noticed how big and carefully _______ the web was when he brought breakfast for Wilbur. (11)
Fern didn't like all the people at the farm. She liked being alone with the __________ (11)
The goose came up with the word ________ to describe Wilbur (12)
Wilbur liked the __________ he was getting (11)
Lurvy's main job was _________ Wilbur. (11)
Charlotte wanted to get new suggestions for another __________ to put in her web. (12)
Neither Charlotte nor Wilbur are ___________ animals. (11)
Mr. Zuckerman changed into his best _________ to go talk to the minister about the morning (11)
Fern thought Charlotte's trick had fooled everyone and saved Wilbur's _________ (11)
If Wilbur gets killed, the rat will have no _______ to eat from (12)
The geese always ________ what she says. (12)
What did Lurvy do after seeing the words in Charlotte's web? (11)
The minister said the web proved humans should always ________ for wonders. (11)
A few days after "SOME PIG" appeared, who called the animal meeting in the barn cellar? (12)