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Elements of Drama

Teacher: Sheryl Hicks
What an person does to communicate a characters feelings and emotions before an audience
Long speech or story made by one actor
What the actor wears to identify character, time and place or culture
Movements and gestures that an actor uses to communicate with other actors
Elements of drama that deal with the actor
Elements of drama that deal with the production
Backdrop and artwork that identifies the setting of a dramatic work
Spokes conversations between two or more people
Use of visual colors to set the mood, enhance a performance, or identify focus of actors
Word usage throughout a story that indicate a time and place
Written story line with stage directions created by a playwright
Person who writes plays
Added to actor to enhance actors features on stage under the lights
Animal, person or item with human characteristics on stage
Items an actor carries or uses on stage during a production
Elements of drama that deal with the story
Time and place of a story
Movement on stage that is planned for all actors
Verbal expression, breathing and projection used by an actor on stage
Development of story line