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Chapter 3- X-ray Machine

Teacher: Patricia Raths
Type of induction motor that turns the tube's rotor
Compartment devices that collect and measure radiation
A program used to terminate radiographic exposure time
Used to calculate the anode cooling curve (2 words)
Devices that control rectification
Positive side of tube
Transformer that decreases voltage (2 word)
Transformer in H.V. circuit (2 word)
Location of x-ray tube (3 words)
Changes alternating current to direct current
Causes tube failure (2 words)
Large single coil used in Timing circuit
Type of interaction at target, producing x-rays
Footage for height of lead wall
Control booth wall classified a______ ____
Reduction of x-rays on anode side of the beam (2 words)
X-radiation that emerges from x-ray tube
Surrounds the tube to absorb heat (2 words)
Anode-target material
Process of boiling off of electrons (2 words)
Point on target where electrons interact
Increases or decreases AC voltage
Uses "+" or "-" to increase or decrease radiographic density in APR (2 words)
Type of exposure switch (2 word))
Percent of electrical energy converted to x-rays
Negative side of tube
Resistor in Filament cuicirt
Procedure first done in morning on x-ray tubes