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Know your terms - Regional Expansion

Professors: Stacey Crowley, Don Fuller, Phil Pettingill and Dave Timson
Northwest organization of utilities pursuing possible alternatives to the ISO EIM (acronym).
Type of criteria required by FERC to determine ability of EIM Entity to enter into financially binding EIM operations.
Number of states in which PacifiCorp serves load.
Animal-shaped chart that depicts the net load curve and the challenges in managing the evolving grid.
Results in curtailment of renewable energy resources.
Commissioner from Nevada who serves at the EIM Transitional Committee.
Federal agency that posted Clean Power Plan in August, requiring reduction of carbon emissions from power plants (acronym).
Significant state legislative change required by western states before joining ISO.
Load serving entity in Nevada currently served by the ISO (acronym).
Primary renewable technology in PacifiCorp system.
Subsidiary of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation and latest utility to sign up to participate in EIM (acronym).
Primary renewable technology in Nevada.
The act of combining PacifiCorp and ISO into a single balancing area.
California utilities are prohibited from signing long term contracts for this type of energy resource.
ISO headquartered in this town.
Number of states, partial or full, within the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC).
Puget Sound Energy headquartered in this town.