Test where a work must feature at least two women, these women must talk to each other, and their conversation must concern something other than a man. First appeared in 1985, named after an American cartoonist (last name) --lexico.com, Wikipedia
Satirist Andy Borowitz, "New Yorker", 03/31/20: Trump Catches _______ Watching Cuomo Briefing. Caught by surprise, the First Lady quickly turned off the television and claimed that she was only watching New York’s governor “to see how many big, terrible mistakes he makes.” (first name)
Heighth above sea level (abbrev.)
Marvin ___e, singer of "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" and "Sexual Healing", shot dead by his father at age 44 --Wikipedia
Large and Beautiful, German clothing brand name (initials) --thefreedictionary.com
Satirist Andy Borowitz, "New Yorker", 04/01/20 headline: "Trump Practicing Distancing from All His Prior Statements About the Corona_____" (contagion)
Day 7 At Home: The dog is looking at me as if to say "See, this is why I ____ the furniture" (gnaw on) --FB poster, 03/31/20
Spellbound, riveted, absorbed --lexico.com
USNS _______ sits mostly idle in NYC harbor (solice) --NYT, 04/03/20
Hours/week (abbrev.) --thefreedictionary.com
"I'm just a _______ drinker--you want to drink, then so shall I" (gregarious) --Leslie Jordan character, "Southern Baptist Sissies"
From the Venetian language meaning "forty days", designating the period that all ships were required to be isolated before passengers and crew could go ashore during the Black Death plague epidemic (isolate) --Wikipedia
"America’s Teachers Urge Trump to Use Time at Home to Repeat _____ Grade" (primary) --Satirist Andy Borowitz, "New Yorker," 03/31/20
Express, ventilate --lexico.com
Its famous sites include: Walt Disney Hall, Forest Lawn, Will Rogers State Historical Park, Hollyhock House (city, initials) --tripadvisor.com
Show lead-in, 04/01/20: "It's the 'Late Show with Stephen Colbert.' Tonight: 'Alone Again Naturally'. . .with Jon Batiste and 'Stay Home In' [band] and, now, live on tape from a safe ________ . . . ." (separation)
My cousin thought he was being careful with his girl friend. He put on the gloves and a mask, but ended up getting gonorrhea. He forgot the ______. (prophylactic) --Tracy Morgan, Jimmie Kimmel home podcast, 03/31/20
It's a Wednesday--I think it's a Wednesday, anyway. Hard to know these days. Every day seems like you're being ______.
(f***ked) --Stephen Colbert, 04/01/20
Disrupt, jumble, tousle --merriam-webster.com
A post-mortem after this pandemic is over is certainly called for. People are responding now, but we came into this war short of ____. (gun powder) --governor of NJ, 2nd hottest state right now, NPR, 04/03/20
Trump "Bests", so far: most lies, highest national debt, most _________ team members, biggest stock market drop, most pandemic infections (sentenced) --FB poster, 04/02/20
Wonder, amazement --merriam-webster.com
Its past governors include Huey Long and Bobby Jindal (abbrev.)
On February 7, as WHO noted demand was 100 times higher than normal for PPE, the Trump administration announced that it was sending China nearly 17.8 tons of "masks, gowns, gauze, ___________, and other vital materials" (lung-assisting machines) --CNN, 03/30/20
An Oregon World War II veteran who just turned 104 could be one of the oldest people on the planet to survive _____-19 (disease) --nypost.com, 04/02/20
Raw, hard fat of beef or mutton found around the loins and kidneys --Wikipedia
Home of The Breakers, Marble House, Newport Jazz Festival (state) --bing.com, Wikipedia
Next stage for a worn-out shirt
Become worse or more intense, especially through long-term neglect or indifference --lexico.com
Constitute about half the trees in NYC's Central Park (1,200) --Wikipedia
“I don’t know what I would learn in a conversation with the President,” (last name) --______, "Talking Points Memo," 03/31/20
I + I = __ (Roman numeral)
Practice employing matras for relaxation, stress reduction and self-development (initials) --Wikipedia
Move by another's efforts
Capt Crozier is cheered by crew as he departs aircraft carrier USS _________ upon immediately losing his command for his leaked letter urgently requesting quarantine measures off-ship for his infected shipmates. (name) --"The Hill," 04/03/20
The first modular space station; assembled in orbit 1986-96 --Wikipedia
Assistance and support in times of hardship and distress --lexico.com
Pass time aimlessly or unproductively; rhymes with Pelosi description of Trump's time in early stage of virus --lexico.com
"You thought dogs were hard to train. Look at all the humans who can't sit and ____" (remain) --FB poster, 03/31/20